As one would, receiving a new treatment would bring up questions and curiosities. Here are a number of answers to those frequently asked questions, this may help you prepare a little better for your next or even your first ever massage treatment.
What can I wear to a massage appointment?
You are free to dress however you please to an appointment. Our suggestion would be to keep in mind your comfort, something that may be easier to remove and put back on after a treatment. For example, if you know you’re going to be getting treatment on your back and neck, maybe opt for a looser shirt or undergarments that are easier to take off and put back on. We wouldn’t want your changing of clothes to eat up your treatment time, as we are sure you would not as well.

How to make my massage therapy as comfortable as possible?
Depending on the area that we are working on at the time, as well as the technique being used it is normal to feel sight discomfort or even a little bit of pain during a massage. massage should not be extremely painful though, and you are free to speak up and ask for as little or more pressure as you’d like. Soreness after a massage is also normal, like a work-out, the muscles have been manipulated and worked on. They release lactic acid with the intent of muscle recovery, which is why you may feel a temporary soreness post treatment. See question 5 to read on how you can possibly relieve some of that post-treatment discomfort.
How early should I arrive to the appointment?
If it is your first appointment, there will be a few housekeeping things that need to be sorted. You most likely will be filling out a couple of forms, whether virtually or physically on paper. They are a health history intake form, as well as a consent form. These are for records, and are mandatory as per College regulations. It is necessary for the therapist to know the state of your general health; if you’re using any medications, any recent surgeries, injuries, or conditions. It’s also necessary to have record of your consent for us to treat, this is for your safety and the therapist’s. In conclusion, the suggestion is to arrive early if you have any questions or concerns you’d like to voice.
When should I get a massage?
You do not need to be injured or have a condition to get a massage treatment. Other than rehabilitation and recovery from injury, massage has an array of benefits, some as simple as relaxation. The methods used in massage can be altered to create a more relaxing type of treatment, a soothing of the muscles from tightness and spasm. Scientifically, massage is known to lower cortisol levels, which can relax the body overall. It’s even known to raise serotonin levels, which can assist with depression and anxiety. Preventative care is also important, and massage can play a pinnacle role in that.
What should I do after a massage treatment?
The initial suggestion is to always take your time getting off the treatment table. Your body has gone through a lot in a span on 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or however long. You are also dehydrated. So getting up quickly can lead to lightheadedness and dizziness. Take a minute, a few deep breaths, a big stretch and get up slowly. Your therapist will be waiting outside for you, but there is no need to rush. As discussed previously, your muscles and some areas will feel slightly tender, but it won’t last long. Hydrotherapy will most likely also be suggested; a hot pack to further loosen your muscles or an ice pack to lessen potential bruising on some areas that were worked on in a deeper manner. These are all recommended with the overall goal to increase your rate of recovery and further your relaxation.
Do I have to fully undress for a treatment?
Absolutely not. You are free to keep on whatever piece of clothing you’d like. Whether you are uncomfortable, insecure, or just do not want to take off any items of clothing, we will be able to treat you regardless. Your comfort and safety is our number one priority. If you are comfortable to undress for treatment, the therapist must always leave the room in order for you to do so safely. Prior to treatment you will be given a chat about how to get onto the table for the treatment; which is to put yourself in between the two sheets that are draped on the table. The therapist will provide towels and extra sheets should you like extra security during your treatment. Do not be afraid to ask for them.

Do I need a doctor’s note to receive a massage?
It is not mandatory to provide a doctor’s note to get a massage treatment. You can book an appointment at your own discretion, even if the reason is just to relax. If however your insurance policy requires one in order for the appointment to be covered, then please provide one as it states to.
Can I talk during the treatment?
Yes of course. Whether you’d like to sleep or chat for the entirety of the treatment, it is completely up to you. People can go about their appointment however they’d like, and the therapist will follow accordingly. Also, it is important to note that you may speak up about any questions or concerns at any point of the treatment, before, after and even during. We are happy to answer any questions or comments you have at any point. If you are in need of a modification of pressure for example, don’t be afraid to say so. We also understand that people can be ticklish, let us know before the treatment or during as well. Never feel nervous or embarrassed to speak up. We are here to assist comfortably.

Hopefully this answered a few of your questions and concerns. If you have any more that weren’t mentioned, don’t ever hesitate to ask your therapist at your next appointment. Massage Therapy can make someone feel incredibly vulnerable, and it’s always the best option to stay as informed as you can. Be sure to book your first treatment with is in our Vaughan or Newmarket locations, we hope to see you soon.

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With over 25 years experience, Djoanna Del Rosario has helped thousands of patients with a wide range of physical challenges through initial assessments, treatment plans, and implementation.
Contact her today at 416-500-8384